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Valencia, California
Studying scripture and preaching the Word to draw us into deeper understanding and more faithful discipleship.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Mark 15:20-39

There was so much hype and expectation about who the Messiah would be and what he would accomplish. So many people were renewed in their faith and their trust in who God promised to be in relationship with them because of the coming of the Messiah. Everyone was excited, energized, renewed and then he came, and was here, right here in Jerusalem, and the more we were with him, the less he seemed like the Messiah. I mean, this Jesus, this messiah, he criticized the Elders, the teachers, he turned over tables in the temple courts, he was disrespectful and rude, and then, to top it off he talked about discord among families, and tearing down the temple.

Only those who hate us Jews tear down the temple and threaten discord in our families. How on earth could this man be the Messiah? How can Jesus be God’s chosen one if he wants to destroy the temple? He’s done nothing to stop the Romans, not the corruption, the injustice, not the discrimination. Nothing. I can’t even believe we honored this man, this fraud. I can’t believe I Hosanna…Hosanna?! Hosanna to him?! No way. He’s not chosen. He’s not anointed. He’s not holy. He’s a liar, a fake, a fraud. Crucify him! That’s what I say. Crucify the liar! Crucify the fake! Crucify the fraud! Crucify him! honored this man.

I guess I was right after all. God doesn’t care. God hasn’t sent help. God hasn’t sent liberation or freedom from oppression. God is silent. God doesn’t love us.

Liar. Fake. Fraud. (Spit on the ground)

Hey, Mr. “save-the-world”, Mr. “set-the-captive-free” how about you save yourself!?! How about that?! Not so powerful now are you?

Ha! Talk is cheap Mr. Son-of-David, root-of Jesse. Where's the power of your blood now?

You’re weak and pathetic! Hanging with the criminals is exactly where you belong!

You’re a liar! A fake! A fraud!

(Mocking) Hosanna! Hosanna to the king of the liars! Some Messiah you are….

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