We don’t often talk about demons in the UMC. They’re pretty much taboo. It’s hard to believe they’re like the monsters from Scooby doo or even the ones from Buffy the vampire slayer. When we can’t put a face on them, it’s hard to wrap our head around them. For many of us, it’s hard to say they even exist because if they do, we’re not quite sure what to do with them. But, as we read today’s scripture, we can’t help but acknowledge that Jesus dealt with demons, which, in turn, pushes us to try and deal with demons.
While I wouldn’t say that demons are the red and black characters we’ve seen on TV, I would say there are forces of evil that act upon us—they try to distract us from God, dishearten us in our missions, and discredit our faithless and fruitfulness. There are powerful spirits in our lives that are not of God and do not contribute to God’s kingdom or further God’s will. And I would call them “demons”.
They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are more commonly known as addiction, abuse, deceit, lust, greed, injustice, vengeance, pride, unforgiveness, pain, depression, self-doubt, old hurts, resentment, and chronic illness. They don’t make us evil if we struggle with one of them. Rather, they show that evil is all around us, working against us, trying to detour us from the path of righteousness.
To get rid of these demons, this scripture tells us requires prayer, fasting, and faith. We have to be willing to do the work, to dedicate ourselves to getting rid of these ills in our lives, and we have to be willing to fast, to sacrifice material comforts for spiritual gain, and we have to believe. We have to believe healing is possible. We have to believe God wants something more for us. We have to believe God is able—100%--to work miracles.
Now that’s asking a lot, but wouldn’t it be worth it to be free from these demons? To be free from the pain? To say “no” forever to alcohol or drugs? To give up lustful images of sex? To be free from depression? To be reconciled with your son or daughter? Sister or brother? Even with your spouse?
There are huge problems and hurts in our lives. Some we’ve been able to keep a secret, and others are publically known. And they’re tough to deal with—some take a lifetime to battle. They’re big issues for a reason. If they were little issues, we wouldn’t be struggling with them, right?
The scriptural truth is God wants us to have freedom. God wants us to have wholeness. God wants us to have shalom. And when we don’t have that, it’s not because God has abandoned us. It’s not because God is punishing us. It’s not because we deserve it. It’s because life happens. It’s because evil is at work all around us. It’s because we are broken and fallen people and we live in a broken and fallen world.
But what the Bible tells us here is that evil and illness do not have the final word—Christ does. When we have faith and put our trust in him—Christ earns the victory for us. That is the Gospel we proclaim. The Good News is Christ is victorious over evil. He defeats demons. And he gives us freedom.
Praise God!! That’s exciting!! That’s life changing! That’s amazingly good!
So let’s claim it. Let’s claim God’s redeeming grace for our bodies, for our minds, for our souls, and for our relationships. Let’s prove, through our faith, that Christ is Lord of all and that he is victorious.
Now, I know some of you are hesitant. Some of you are doubting. You want to know how I know you have questions? Because I’m one of you. One of my demons is migraine headaches. I’ve getting them for years and they are awful. They are debilitating. I have to lie down and shut myself in a dark room. I can’t tolerate light, or noise, or too much heat, or even perfumes or strong smells. On occasion, they are completely crippling. They plague me. And even though I pray when I get them, I’ve been doubtful that God would take them away forever, completely. Why? Well, because I am a doubter. And I’m not sure I deserve it. But you and I both know merit is not what the gospel is about. The Gospel requires faith, not works. I never have to deserve to be healed. And neither do you. We only have to believe God can and will heal us.
But remember, some things, some issues, some demons require a bit more—they require fasting. Mostly, I think because fasting inspires faith. Fasting teaches us to rely more on God than on ourselves. So fasting is both an act of faith and an act that grows faith.
If you’re worried you don’t have enough faith, look back to this scripture. Jesus says, “if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you could move a mountain.” That amount of faith is not much and yet it can do great things. So don’t worry if you have doubts. Don’t worry if the size of your faith is small, you can move mountains with your faith.
You can move mountains and molehills. You can be victorious over the “big things” in your life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
So, for the next 40 days, I am inviting you to go on a journey of faith with me and each other. We are going to fast and pray. We are going to learn and we are going to grow in faith. And we are going to conquer the “big things” in our lives. And come Easter, we will be victorious and will be singing God’s praises.
I am committing in front of you to take on my demons. I am going to believe that God wants me to be free from migraines and I am going to fast and pray that they would be gone forever. And I want you to commit for yourselves. I want you to believe. I want all of us to be freed.
Now, don’t get me wrong, this takes work. If you have a broken relationship—you have to do the leg work and work on it—let the Holy Spirit lead you about what to say and do and when to do it. If you’re battling depression, you can’t stay in bed or on the couch day in and day out, you have to get up and out and allow God to work. If you’re battling addiction—go to meetings, work the program, do the steps. If you’re fighting illness, go to the doctor, do your physical therapy and take your medications.
Now, to be fair, I do need to warn you. Evil does not like to be sent packing. The big things in our lives have acquired great power and you’re likely to encounter resistance. For me, I’d venture that my migraines will get worse before they get better. That’s how evil works, it tries to dishearten us—to discourage us—to make us doubt and give up. And our only answer is to persevere by faith and keep claiming Christ as victorious.
God is ready to work a miracle in your life. Christ’s work has been done. He has already won. Now it’s time we claim it—100% without reservations. Claim and proclaim that God can and will redeem you, heal you, and restore you. Amen?! Let us pray.